
Showing posts from September, 2019

first impression of a dream

my first impression about the poem was that it was really hard for me to understand the topic of the poem. I think this is because it jumps around too much to get one point of the poem.


     In the short story of "young goodman brown," the author uses a lot of writing  techniques as he writes. what The  techniques I choose to write about are  foreshadowing,  diction, and  characterization. I choose these because through the story there is a lot of things happening as if he really did go for a walk, or was it just a really bad dream. Through the story, there was a lot of foreshadowing like the pink ribbon that was going to mean something at the end of the story. The pink ribbons played a role at the end of the story because it shows the purity that faith has throughout the story. Also, the words the author uses to describe the place he is in and how he really is as a person. What really happened was that it was all in his head, all the bad thoughts he had.       How the author tries to communicate the theme is by making us think he really did go for a walk. He does this by making us think that in the beginning, it is normal until he reaches the forest the au

my thesis statement

What really would like to ta;k about is faith because that was a big factor at the end of the story because I feel like faith played a big role in the story. This is something that i would like to write about,

young good man brown questions

1. Hawthorne's purpose for writing the story was to tell you, be careful in what you choose to do in life because one bad decision can mess you up. 2. Faith does not fit faith because she cares about her husband but at the end of the story she does not have hope for her husband. 3. The pink ribbon signifies of good faith is a good person. 4. everything in the story was real because it was just his imagination that took him on this trip to the evil side and back. 5. The old man was not himself because he was the devil himself there was a lot of clues because there was this part of the story where it says that he sold his soul to the devil. 6.the staff could mean that it was a sign showing him to death 7. If brown did't go to the forest he would've lived longer.

For The Win

Something that am really proud is finishing my resume for it could be checked and corrected. This is a big deal because it will help me with everything when going for a scholarship or applying for a job. This is something that am really proud of this crouse at this point.

so this guy goes for a walk

My first impression is that I like the story because it talks about what young brown man went through in a walk. It was more like a small journey for him because there was a different situation for each different person he sees. it sounds like hes dreaming but it's all happening in real life.

The medium is the message

what I got from today was that it should be must a must to change your password every 30 days. This is because your email is really easy to be hacked in to. Also when you send a message to somebody you know you don't always have to spell the whole word.

The earth on turtle's back

What I liked about the story was that the lady knows that it was real. but her husband did not believe her. it shows how a woman can be strong also not just man. also how the animals knew that she was not one of them because of all the things she had were different from them. finally how it was a life lesson

today i was thinking

what I was thinking about today is how dr. Preston let us get 60 secs just to focus up in class and our breathing. Also, dr Preston said that he is not going to stop trying to help until your resume is perfect. Also, I really liked the idea of how he sits up the week like each day your focus is on something else.

I care about your understanding

How I remembered the poem by Richard cory. To be honest, how I remembered was really simple but in order to do this you have to put everything behind like a phone, distractions, make sure you're the only one in the room. This thing can help you remember the poem. So what I did first was just go over the poem once at this point am not really trying to remember anything. Just trying to get used to the poem. After that read it again but this time when I finished I read it backward and then read it forward again. when I was done with that I wrote on a piece of paper and it helped me remember it a little more. Finally, after I did all those things I reread it two more times at that point I had remembered the poem. I hope that you could understand step by step on what I did to remember the poem.

The making of an essay

My Past experience with writing essays has not been good because I put in so much effort just to get a lot of comments that I don't understand. Making me feel like all the effort was for nothing and to end it off I did not understand what the comments were about. What I learned today is that everybody feels the same way before and after the essay. Also all the things you said like how the teachers do the same thing every time we do an essay. I think that my experience with my next essay should be better because of you Dr. Preston understand what we go through and am guessing you are not going to make that boring.

everything is a remix

Everything is pretty much a remix because anyone can get the original product and change in a way that makes it better. Basically, must of the things we have today was created through one idea then another so that and made it better. Also how they combined two ideas to make one like Albert einstein he did not create the E he just combined it with his equation to make seem like it was his.

the laughing heart


Richard Cory poem


fox in socks
